Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Alphapack.io! These terms and conditions of use are here to make sure everyone knows how to play nice on our site. By visiting Alphapack.io, you’re telling us you’re cool with these rules and that you’ll stick to them. Our site is open to everyone and it’s where you can check out some awesome video games brought to you by Alphapack.

Legal information

https://alphapack.io belongs to Alphapack, a rad company that’s all about video games.

Contact us at: contact@alphapack.io

Hosting Details

Our website is hosted by the awesome folks at https://www.namecheap.com/.

Intellectual Property

Alphapack.io is our baby. Everything on it, like text, logos, images, and other cool stuff, belongs to us. Don’t mess with our stuff, okay? Don’t copy, reproduce, or do anything sketchy with any part of our site without getting our permission first.

Personal Data

Your privacy is important to us. We have a policy in place to protect your personal data. Check it out here.


We use cookies to make your experience on Alphapack.io better. You can learn more about them and how to manage them here.


We link to other cool websites run by awesome people, but we don’t control those sites. We’re not responsible for what goes down there, so be careful.

Liability and Force Majeure

Our site is usually up and running 24/7, but sometimes things happen that are beyond our control. We won’t be liable for any hiccups or if the site needs maintenance. You know the deal with the internet – sometimes it’s glitchy. We might change things on the site or take it down for maintenance without giving you a heads-up. We won’t be responsible for any direct or indirect damages you might incur from using our site. If, for some reason, we do owe you anything, it’ll only be for direct damages, not for anything else like lost data or profits.

User Content

Anything you put on our site is your responsibility. We’re not obligated to store or return any content you send our way. Be smart about what you upload and keep your stuff safe.

Here are some things you should NOT upload:

  • Anything illegal, harmful, defamatory, obscene, or just plain mean
  • Anything that invades someone’s privacy
  • Anything that promotes violence or hate
  • Anything you don’t have the right to share
  • Anything that infringes on someone else’s rights
  • Any spam or viruses

By sending content to our site, you’re telling us:

  • You have the right to share it
  • You’re letting us use it however we need to process your request.